Remembrance Day Act




amended 1992, c. 34

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An Act Respecting the

Observance of Remembrance Day

WHEREAS our heritage of freedom and human dignity has, under Providence, been preserved through the unselfish devotion of those who sacrificed health, limb and life itself in World War One, World War Two and the Korean Conflict;

AND WHEREAS the eleventh day of November has traditionally been set aside throughout Nova Scotia as a day to be kept and observed in each and every year under the name "Remembrance Day";

AND WHEREAS it is fitting that on Remembrance Day the people of Nova Scotia should pay grateful tribute to the memory of those who have died, cherish those who have suffered grievous injury, and dedicate themselves anew to the maintenance and furtherance of the great ideals hallowed by those sacrifices:

Short title

1 This Act may be cited as the Remembrance Day Act. R.S., c. 396, s. 1.


2 In this Act,

Prohibited activity on Remembrance Day

3 Except as herein provided, no person shall, on Remembrance Day,

Section 3 does not apply

4 Section 3 does not apply to

Restriction on serving alcohol or performing

5 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, no person shall

before twelve oclock noon on Remembrance Day. R.S., c. 396, s. 5.

Holiday with pay for employee required to work

6 An employer of an employee in an industry who

shall grant the employee a holiday with pay on the working day immediately following the employees annual vacation or another day agreed upon by the employee and the employer. R.S., c. 396, s. 6.

Three minute suspension of operation

7 Every employer carrying on or engaged in an industry to which Section 3 does not apply shall, subject to Section 8, relieve the employees in the industry from duty, and suspend the operations of the industry, for a period of three minutes, at one minute before eleven oclock in the forenoon on Remembrance Day. R.S., c. 396, s. 7.

Permit in emergency

8 In circumstances beyond human control and for which no other arrangements can be made, the Minister of Labour may grant a permit for the doing of work required in the circumstances to meet an emergency, and the Minister may attach such conditions as he deems fair and reasonable in the circumstances. R.S., c. 396, s. 8.

Offence and penalty for non-compliance

9 (1) Any person who contravenes, disobeys, or refuses, neglects, omits, or fails to observe and comply with any provision of this Act is guilty of an offence and is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

Offence and penalty on employer

(2) An employer who authorizes, directs or knowingly permits anything to be done in violation of any provision of this Act is guilty of an offence and is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars. R.S., c. 396, s. 9.

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